This art set creates dazzling prints on water unlike any other! Easily make exquisite marble-like patterns just by creatively swirling with a stick. It then easily transfer to ANY canvass of your choice to produce wall-worthy art!
Amazed by the beautiful aesthetics of marbleized prints? Well, they’re just created by liquid! Why not try and DIY with this complete set of colorful pigments and emulsion. The paint patterns float on the medium for you to freely create your own masterpiece.
MULTI-COLORED PATTERNS – are easily created by merely swirling with a stick. Select different color combinations put a few drops of the paint then let your hand move whatever your creative mind dictates.
Satisfied with your creation? Then immortalize it by transferring it out! Simply dip in any absorbent material to transfer your finished output.
It works best with a wide assortment of materials such as Shirts, vases, paper, textiles, glass, wood or even jewelry!!
Perfectly suitable for kids’ craft time! It is also easily washable with water and soap.
Whether you’re a professional artist or a beginner, this is something that you should try making! It is also a great way to enhance and develop creativity in your child,
A few reasons why buy from us: